An offering is taken up during the services, but if you are new please be our guest.
Children are welcome. There is a children’s message during the service and immediately afterwards Junior Church is provided for ages 3 thru 7 years old. The nursery is available for children under 3 years of age.
There is Sunday School for all ages, children to adults. Go to the Connect menu for more details.
All types of dress is welcome. Casual attire is what you will usually find for the early morning service and for the late morning service people tend to dress up a bit more.
There are refreshments before the service and after the service in the Narthex. It’s a great time for socialization.
Communion is conducted the 1st Sunday of every month with optional gluten free bread. Bread and juice is served to the congregation. Everyone is welcome to participate.
The early morning service generally ends around 10:00 a.m. The late morning service usually ends around 11:30 a.m.